The Cottle School Community looks forward to a wonderful school/home relationship during your child’s early years in elementary school. We encourage all parents to become an active part of the Cottle family. Together with your support we can make a difference.

The following suggestions are provided to assist your efforts to be an active WEC parent.

  1. Contact your child’s teacher if you have class-related concerns. Open communication between home and school is an important vehicle for solving any problem.
  2. Assist your child in making appropriate decisions and to accept responsibility for their own actions. A periodic review of the Code of Conduct and the Attendance Policy (see district website) is a practical way to assist this effort.
  3. Check your child’s homework daily for important assignments and communications. Provide time and a quiet place at home for homework and study to be completed. Students always have an assignment to write, read or study.
  4. If you have family or school issues that may be impacting school performance or are causing you concern, please contact our School Psychologists: Dr. Newman, Ext. 1223 or Ms. Peduto, Ext. 1305 or our Guidance Counselor: Ms. Silver at ext. 2925. Our school will make appropriate suggestions and will work with your child and their teacher.

The following are several good practices for parents as provided by the U.S. Department of Education:

  1. Take a time inventory to find the extra time you need so the family can learn together. Commit yourself to learning something with your children.
  2. Commit yourself to high standards and set high expectations for your children.
  3. Challenge them in every way possible to reach their full potential.
  4. Limit television viewing on school nights. That means that the remote control may have to disappear on occasion.
  5. Read together. Reading is the starting point of all learning.
  6. Make sure your child goes to school every day.

Elementary education is a wonderful experience for all members of the school community, especially parents. It should effectively serve as a link between home and school while meeting the needs of our emerging children. If we can help to make this school year more meaningful for you and your child, please do not hesitate to contact the school office. We encourage you to become an active WEC parent and to share fully in this educational experience with your child and our staff.